Roberts - Long

key: b. (born), d. (died), (m.) (married), abt. (about)
1. Jacob Long b. 1805 and d. 1870 (m.) Rebecca Long b. abt. 1829
2. Children of Jacob Long and Rebecca Long
i. Hiram Long: b. 11 July 1845 in N. Carolina
ii. Jane Long: b. abt. 1847
iii. William H. Long: b. abt. 1849
iv. John Long: b. abt. 1858
v. Elizabeth Long: b. Apr. 1860
vi. Rebecca Long: b. 1893
vii. Jake Long
2. Jake Long (m.) Martha Hicks
3. Children of Jake Long and Martha Hicks
i. Minnie Long: b. abt. 1906
ii. Sarah Long: b. abt. 1903
iii. Henry Long: b. Apr.21, 1899 and d. 25 Jan 1969. (M.) Bertha "Unknown" b. 27
Mar 1904 and d. 7 Nov 1980. They are buried together in Valley View Cemetery in
Elk Valley, Campbell County, TN.
iv. Rachel Long: b. Sept. 1893
v. Juley Long: b. 14 Jan. 1897 and d. 13 Apr. 1958. Juley
3. Juley Long (m.) James Washington Roberts, Jr. (s/o James, Sr. and Sarah Angel